Aunt Emma's Diary

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Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby JHostler » May 29th, 2022, 12:32 pm

Finishing touches have just been added to an extended and faintly bizarre handling of the classic date book / diary effect. While "Aunt Emma's Diary" leverages a number of integrated principles for maximum impact and should be within technical reach of most experienced performers, this isn't for the faint of heart.

Those averse to "card tricks" might be interested to know that a physical deck is never in play.

Included is a bonus effect employing the same "Comangled Stack System" that undergirds Emma. Those infatuated with card magic will be happy to know this piece qualifies.

If you're interested in the plot, shoot me a private request for the write-up. As usual, I reserve the right to decline inquiries from weasels and other magicians of questionable character/intent.

Special thanks to Mssrs. Elsdon, Farmer, and Blomberg for feedback and crediting assistance. This one was fun...

"The gnomes' ambition is handicapped by laziness." Adapted from Charles Bukowski, and clearly evident at

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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby JHostler » May 29th, 2022, 1:36 pm

In the last hour, multiple folks have advised me to sell rather than give this book away. Such is no longer in my nature, but these are some fairly keen individuals. So... in the interest of fairness... I'll keep the above offer open for a bit longer (until 1:30pm CST). After that it may cost you a sawbuck or two.

Yours in waffling...

"The gnomes' ambition is handicapped by laziness." Adapted from Charles Bukowski, and clearly evident at

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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby JHostler » May 29th, 2022, 2:46 pm

Thanks to those who got in before the buzzer. A bit more detail for the intrigued:

The performer relates a tale of his mysterious great, great aunt Emma (RIP), who claimed psychic abilities and connections with other like-minded individuals. Every so often, the family conducts an experiment like this to test her spirit presence.

An old diary and envelope with yet-unknown contents are gently dropped to the table.

A volunteer who believes he/she might have psychic tendencies is selected from the audience. The volunteer FREELY names a random playing card and a date that “means something to her.”

Continuing the tale of Emma, the performer opens the envelope to reveal a few old photos of his aunt and her crazy family… subsequently explaining the odd circumstances surrounding her death on a very specific date. Emma’s photo is set aside. The performer then displays Emma’s old personal diary, in which she recorded a seemingly random playing card and other miscellaneous information on each day of the year.

The volunteer’s freely-named date is looked up, and the card written on that date identified. Upon viewing Emma’s photo more closely, the very same card can be seen (e.g., lying on the floor or in the background).

The tale and date of Emma’s untimely death is recounted again… and when this date is found in the diary, the volunteer’s freely-named card is written therein.

The photo and diary both withstand examination, nothing is forced, and at no time is an actual deck of cards utilized. Performers willing to go the extra mile can leave their volunteer with a souvenir Emma photo (complete with birth and death dates) – iron-clad, somewhat chilling proof of their psychic abilities.

Waffling continues.
"The gnomes' ambition is handicapped by laziness." Adapted from Charles Bukowski, and clearly evident at

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Q. Kumber
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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby Q. Kumber » May 30th, 2022, 4:24 pm

As one who got in before the buzzer, Thank you.

This is most definitely a marketable product.

Bob Farmer
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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby Bob Farmer » May 30th, 2022, 5:25 pm

This is a great routine.

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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby jshriver » May 30th, 2022, 6:55 pm

This such a great routine. Thank you.

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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby katterfelt0 » May 31st, 2022, 6:41 am

I agree with the above folks. This is a great routine.
Effect and method are inextricably linked.

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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby Tom Frame » May 31st, 2022, 9:18 am

I dig the diabolical methodology. Well done, John!

Jim Martin
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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby Jim Martin » May 31st, 2022, 10:22 pm

If you like brilliant thinking for a classic plot, it would be well worth you while to check out John's latest release.
yes yes yes!
Jim Martin
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Re: Aunt Emma's Diary

Postby JHostler » June 4th, 2022, 9:39 am

Thanks, y'all!

One quick tip before moving on to greener pastures: No one but you is familiar with Aunt Emma's physical appearance... and she had many sisters, aunts, and perhaps a daughter or two. So when it comes to the photos, the B.O.L.D performer/improviser may require fewer than indicated in the PDF. This "photographic equivocation" strategy should make sense to anyone who has studied the manuscript and - in my opinion - could be applied in a number of other contexts. Perhaps it has been.

"The gnomes' ambition is handicapped by laziness." Adapted from Charles Bukowski, and clearly evident at

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